What is Supervised Visitation?
Supervised Visitation (SV) refers to visitation between a non-custodial parent and one or more children in the presence of a third party. The third party may be referred to as a “Monitor, Observer, or Visit Supervisor”.
In some cases the courts feel it is appropriate to order “Off-Site” supervised visitation to take place in the presence of a third party. It allows children to visit the non-custodial parent or “visiting” parent in a safe, positive, stress-free atmosphere. It protects children from being placed in the middle of parent’s conflicts or other problems.
The children’s needs are paramount in making any decisions regarding the need for such supervision. There are also benefits to parents. It will provide consistency with a set schedule of dates and times. The scheduling and visits can be made by the neutral party (Monitor) and there does not have to be contact before, during or after the visits. Everyone benefits from the comfortable environment.
Monitors should carefully observe the visit and record observations in a report for the court.
The responsibility of the monitor is to remain, neutral neither siding with the custodial parent or visiting parent. They should be prepared to testify in a court of law.
Why not use a friend or relative rather than a professional service?
At times courts will allow “non-professional” relatives or friends to provide the monitoring. Many times this does not work.
Well-meaning friends or family will agree to provide the service however soon tire of the regular commitment of time and effort. It is difficult for family or friends NOT to be placed in the middle and NOT to choose sides. It places a huge burden on the relationship and then creates unnecessary strife and stress.
Once neutrality is lost, then the credibility of the friend or family member is damaged.
Non-Professionals can unknowingly place the children at risk by trying to remain “Friendly” and unwilling to report inappropriate behavior. They may NOT know what to observe. Putting children at risk.
Benefits of hiring a professional company
Preferred Family Resource Supervised Visitation Program provides highly trained professional monitors that have completed a rigorous curriculum in Supervised Visitation.
We provide professional observations, comprehensive legal reports and will testify in court if necessary.
Preferred Family Resource hold a membership in good standing with Supervised Visitation Network. We abide by all rules and regulations.
- Monitors are skilled at the methodology of observation/reporting.
- Monitors must complete 60 hours of yearly training per GAPFR requirements.
- Monitors remain neutral at all times. Rules and regulations are in place to ensure the safety and well being of all participates.
- Monitors are educated towards maintaining a positive, safe, secure atmosphere with focus on the overall care of children.
- Monitors participate in a rigorous curriculum and must pass the “Evaluated Supervised Visitation Assessment” prior to assisting clients.
- Monitors are instructed in such topics as: Domestic Violence, Sex Abuse, Physical Abuse, Neglect and Emotional Abuse, Anger, Alcohol, and Stress management, Parental Alienation and many more topics.
Our Monitors’ recently attended courses and were certified in these topics
- CPR and first aid
- The impact of parental separation and divorce on children
- Visiting and Child reluctance
Off Site Supervised Visitation
Preferred Family Resource assists off-site supervised visitation by traveling to different locations. Monitors will arrive at approved location and provide monitoring, observations and written reports.
Pre-approved Child-Friendly locations can consist of theaters, bounce-houses, chuck-e-cheese type places, roller skating rinks and sports areas. Appropriate places also include visiting parent’s home, local parks or libraries. Places need to be approved in advanced by administration. In-take Interviews are required prior to supervised visitations.
Payment is due 7 days in advance of scheduled date.
How do I register for the Supervised Visitation Program?
Call and schedule an appointment to meet with an administrator. Complete the Supervised Visitation Forms. Bring the 9 requested items to the Intake session.
Georgia Clients please send emails to: GAPFRC@gmail.com
South Carolina Clients please send emails to: sc.pfrc@gmail.com