Parent Coaching
Parent Coaching is specific to helping parents resolve behavioral struggles with their children. These parent-child struggles may range from the typical challenges of daily parenting life— such as morning routines, homework struggles, sibling bickering, bedtime routines, chores and more.

However, more often parents call for Parent Coaching when faced with more demanding behaviors that push the limits of their parenting—including the strong-willed child, the picky eater, the angry, disrespectful child or teen, the defiant, oppositional son or daughter and kids with Special Need situations.
After years of experience it is evident that almost any parent-child challenge can be dramatically improved in weeks…not months or years of therapy!
Parent Coaching Can End Your Struggles With Your Child!
The procedure is simple.
Contact Preferred Family Resource to schedule an Intake Interview.
Register for Phase One. Advance payment is required.
Phase One: Parents meet Coach for four hours of Parent Education. The following four hours are spent in the family home for observation and coaching.

(Much like the TV Program SuperNanny)
Hours are arranged with focus on the family-schedule.

Phase Two: Parents meet Coach for two hours of Parent Education. The following six hours are spent in the family home for direct coaching.
Parent Coaches are trained Parent Educators.
Parent Coaches follow the “Active Parent Curriculum”.