Divorce Care Class

The State of Georgia mandates couples with children going through divorce to complete a Divorce Care Class. Classes form monthly and meet twice a week for two hours. Typically from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. No child care.
Certificates are offered upon completion of two sessions.
Another option is to complete an all day Super Saturday Seminar (four hours).
Advance Payment is required as confirmation. PayPal is preferred method of payment. Payment is due 7 days in advance of first class.
Call and register: 770-837-4808
Topics include: A new way of communicating, parent alienation, stress and anger management, and understanding the circle of influence in your new relationship.
Participants will learn: Developmental stages of childhood, reactions of children to divorce, grief process, coping skills, how divorce affects families and financial obligations.
Participants will learn the 5 steps to prevent divorce abuse. They will learn about Parental Alienation (PA)
Curriculum: Crossroads of Parenting and Divorce